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Product Details






For top yields

Cross: Impala x POS 97-1

Fresh market
Mid late ripening variety
Very high yield!
Big longoval tubers
Colour of skinand flesh: yellow
Dry matter content: 17.3%
Cooking type A, no discoloration after cooking
Resistant to potato cyst nematodes Ro1 and Ro4
Long dormancy period

General remarks
The Melanto is a new variety for the consumption market in Northern Africa and the Middle East. The nice oval shape of the big tubers and the smooth yellow skin makes this variety very appealing for consumers in these countries. The yield is very high with a good number of large oval to long oval tubers with yellow flesh. Cooking type A without discoloration after cooking. The dry matter content is rather low, about 17,3%.

Mid late.

Seed treatment
Melanto has an average dormancy. No special measures are needed before planting. It is advised to plant in soils of at least 10°C.

Melanto has a rather good resistance to common scab and can also be grown on the lighter soils. Normal planting distances in the row are recommended. Normal treatments for late blight are recommended. Melanto shows no reaction after a normal pre-emergence Sencor treatment.

The advice is to use the normal level of N-, P- and K-fertilisation.

Melanto is very strong to internal bruising, but because of the very big tubers, careful harvesting to avoid mechanical damage is recommended.

This variety has an average dormancy and can easily be stored for shorter periods. For longer storage, the use of well-equipped cold stores is necessary.

Resistance to diseases
Melanto is resistant to Potato Cyst Nematodes (Ro1 and Ro4). Rather strong against common scab en spraing and has a high tolerance to tuber symptoms of virus Yntn. The resistance to late blight in the foliage and in the tubers is average.


Contact Info

Amman, Al-Qweismeh, North Jawa,

Madaba Highway, 11019

(06) 412 8984

(079) 554 1238


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