اختر لغتك

تفاصيل المنتج



النوع : فطريات

الاسم التجاري: أرزسيموكس

التركيبة : 

فاموكسادون 22.5% و/و + سايموكسانيل 30.0 % و/و  

أرزسيموكس هو مبيد فطري على شكل حبيبات منتشرة في الماء لعلاج المرض المتأخر والمبكر على الطماطم والبطاطس .

يجمع أرزسيموكس بين التأثير العلاجي والوقائي المشترك (إيقاف النشاط الجراثيم - وضد نمو الجراثيم ).

يمكن رش مبيد الفطريات هذا بالتناوب مع مبيدات الفطريات الأخرى المستخدمة لعلاج أمراض اللفحة والبياض الدقيقي الأخرى. والتأكد من أن المبيد السابق أو التالي له خصائص مختلفة عن هذا المبيد، كما ينصح برش هذا المبيد في أسرع وقت ممكن بعد هطول المطر، حيث يعمل على غسل المبيدات الملامسة بعد رشها سابقاً


Safety period

Dosas (g/20Lwater)



14 days


Late and Early blight


3 days


Downy mildew

Cucumber, Melon, Water melon

3 days


 Late and Early blight


It can be mixed with most commonly used fungicides, and insecticides, and it is recommended to conduct an experiment before spraying.

  • Store in its original package in special places for storing pesticides, so that it is well lit, ventilated and spacious, and that it is dry and at a moderate temperature.
  • Keep away from food and out of reach of children and pets.

·         Adhere to the information on this label.

·         Do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying.

·         Wear protective mask, gloves, and rubber boots while spraying.

·         Do not expose ponds to the pesticide and dispose of the empty package by burying it in the soil.

·         The spray should cover all parts of the plant.

·         Empty containers must not be used for other purposes, they must be destroyed in a safe manner and                 disposed of according to the methods followed after washing them 3 times and returning the solution to             the spray tank.

·         Avoid spraying during and against the wind.

·         After completion of use, hands and areas of the body exposed to the pesticide should be thoroughly                   washed with soap and water, before eating, drinking or smoking.

·         In case of ingestion of the pesticide: Call the doctor and help induce vomiting under medical supervision only if he is conscious and transported to hospital in case of fainting

·         In case of skin contamination: Remove contaminated clothing and wash skin immediately with soap and water.

·         In case of contamination of the eyes: flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes.

·         In the case of inhalation of the pesticide: The victim is placed in a fresh airway and artificial respiration is given to him if necessary.


There is no counter dose, and treatment is carried out according to the apparent symptoms.

Advised not to enter the sprayed field before two days  from the date of spraying.

Very toxic to fish and mildly toxic to bees and birds.


Safety period

Dosas (g/20Lwater)



14 days


Late and Early blight


3 days


Downy mildew

Cucumber, Melon, Water melon

3 days


 Late and Early blight


It can be mixed with most commonly used fungicides, and insecticides, and it is recommended to conduct an experiment before spraying.

  • Store in its original package in special places for storing pesticides, so that it is well lit, ventilated and spacious, and that it is dry and at a moderate temperature.
  • Keep away from food and out of reach of children and pets.

·         Adhere to the information on this label.

·         Do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying.

·         Wear protective mask, gloves, and rubber boots while spraying.

·         Do not expose ponds to the pesticide and dispose of the empty package by burying it in the soil.

·         The spray should cover all parts of the plant.

·         Empty containers must not be used for other purposes, they must be destroyed in a safe manner and disposed of according to the methods followed after washing them 3                times and returning the solution to the spray tank.

·         Avoid spraying during and against the wind.

·         After completion of use, hands and areas of the body exposed to the pesticide should be thoroughly washed with soap and water, before eating, drinking or smoking.

·         In case of ingestion of the pesticide: Call the doctor and help induce vomiting under medical supervision only if he is conscious and transported to hospital in case of fainting

·         In case of skin contamination: Remove contaminated clothing and wash skin immediately with soap and water.

·         In case of contamination of the eyes: flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes.

·         In the case of inhalation of the pesticide: The victim is placed in a fresh airway and artificial respiration is given to him if necessary.


There is no counter dose, and treatment is carried out according to the apparent symptoms.

Advised not to enter the sprayed field before two days  from the date of spraying.

Very toxic to fish and mildly toxic to bees and birds.


Contact Info

Amman, Al-Qweismeh, North Jawa,

Madaba Highway, 11019

(06) 412 8984

(079) 554 1238



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